Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

seaside scavenging

Essex parks are running activities throughout the summer holidays at each of their parks. Today we went to Cudmore Grove country park on Mersea Island for a "seaside special". We had a scavenger hunt to do when we arrived down on the beach. We found several of the items but not everything as the tide was coming in and most of the "good stuff" wasn't accessible. The beach time was great though, and the minis did lots of climbing on rocks and pebbles and shell finding on the beach. Miss Pink and the friends we had met up with had a lovely time rummaging in a small rock pool. Master Pink fulfilled his need to climb quota. After a while the children were all hungry and getting a bit tetchy so we headed up to the park area and had our picnic. After filling up our little cherubs and letting them run a few beans off, we went back to the activity area and used our beach treasure to make pretty shell mobiles. Master Pink took over the role of hole-in-the-shells-maker, using a nail and a stone. He seemed to really like doing it, and was doing it well! Anyway mobiles pretty chinking in the breeze, the other children were a bit shattered (they are all a year or so younger than Miss Pink) so their mummies decided to head for home. We had the choice to make kites after that, but we had spotted an old pill box on the path to the beach, and the mini pinks wanted to climb on the "castle". So back down the path, and my fearless Knight and the Princess stormed the castle walls.
We stopped on the way home for an icecream, and then home for some quiet time before tea. It's been a good day. :)

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