
We're going away to Wiltshire for four days.......to a family do.....not my family.....not the Boss' family.......the Boss' step mothers family.

There's going to be some sort of meal on Friday.....lunchtime...possibly a BBQ.

So why are we going for four days you ask. Good question. Not sure myself. Most of Wednesday will be spent driving......Thursday I'm getting at least a couple of hours fishing with Nigel at a new venue for me..........Friday is the meal......Saturday we're driving back......and we have to be at a wedding on Saturday evening.

I suspect the rest of the time will be spent wrangling the Boss' dad and her step mum......we're staying in a lovely hotel....but what can you do in a hotel with a couple of 85+ year olds....apart from drink and go to bed early.

I think I'm just going to have to put on a brave face and make the best of it.

A little bit of good news tonight......I spoke to Dad for the first time in a week.....he's had a shock...the troublesome family member has run up a huge mobile phone bill.......and he's seen the evidence in black and white......and he is annoyed......maybe he's finally starting to see the truth of what has been going on.....he even asked if I would go over and see him next week............I told him I'd think about it.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

I'm not taking the lap top with me to Wilts....so I won't be blipping until Saturday or maybe even Sunday.....but I'll be thinking about you all and I'll back blip

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