Volunteer Or ‘Handy’ Person
Some days are longer than others, I arrived at the rugby club to let the gas fitter in at 8:15am and the next nine and a half hours were a ‘slog’, not really enjoyable.
There’s a belief by some that volunteers, particularly those in retirement, don’t have anything to do with their time other than give it up to ‘good’ causes.
During the times I wasn’t needed by the gas fitter I fitted a new extraction fan in the gents, cleared the air vent system into the ladies and tried to unblock an external drain that looks like it’s had cement put down it.
By the time I arrived home I was tired, dirty and fed up but felt soon revived after a shower.
March is on the way, better weather, days lengthening and time to start up my Commonwealth War Graves visit programme.
Add to that - The weekend is coming :-)
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