
By MerrilHope

The Score - Theatre Royal, Haymarket

"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do." - Voltaire

Another great day! Was at Piccadilly Circus by 13.00, and walked to Trafalgar Square on this wonderfully warm with not-a-cloud-in-the-sky day, took a couple of photos but insufficient time to go in the National Gallery so had a leisurely lunch at the nearest Pret a manger before going to the Theatre Royal for the matinee of "The Score". This newish play by Oliver Cotton, directed by Trevor Nunn with Brian Cox as J.S. Bach has been getting rave reviews and the scenario of great personal interest so I was excited. So, how was it? well, what can I say? The theatre is beautiful, my seat at the back of the Royal Circle was extremely spacious with clear view of the entire stage, the play was excellent – entertaining, sometimes amusing and at others extremely thought provoking, and of course Brian Cox gave a fine performance - as did the entire cast. Loved the set and great attention to the historically accurate costumes added to the pleasure of watching this excellent play. The plot both intriguing and entertaining, involving J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, Voltaire, Quantz, and King Frederick of Prussia, set in 1747.  I enjoyed it so much that afterwards bought the play script as well as the programme and look forward to reading it – especially a couple of the monologues which struck a chord in today's political world stage - something that was not lost on today's audience ! 
Home by 19.00, the timing of the tube-train-bus journey couldn’t have been better J A quiet evening with Rufus, Harry and catch up TV (this week’s episodes so far of Richard Osman’s House of Games). Although I was back in time, I was too 'full' to be able to concentrate on the evening’s Sketch Week live tutorial so I'll catch up at the weekend, along with yesterday's session. 

'Those who can make you believe absurdities: can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

"Religion is the idol of the mob: it adores everything it does not understand." - King Frederick II

"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul." - Johann Sebastian Bach

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