last light
Friday, WFH and market. It's worth going early when the people at the veg stall are not yet busy. I had a long chat about politics whilst buying dinner ingredients. I've now got a detailed plan for the first 6 sessions of my course and a good idea for the next 2. I just need to think of something for the last 2. I also need to think how to stick some extras in that I care about. It's getting there.
Went for a walk to check out the stage of the to be demolished motorway bridge at Breitenbachplatz. Nothing obvious has happened yet.
Last night I finished book #2. It was quite a fat one. Helden by Frank Schätzing, a historic novel set in the 13th century. He also wrote The Swarm, another monster book which is well worth reading. I very much enjoyed it although I should have read the blurb as it is part 2 of a trilogy. Ah well, I might have to read the first one and the third one when it comes out.
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