
By Groggster

A Two Faced Shadow

After a rather misty and overcast start today turned into a gloriously sunny day. We didn't feel like venturing very far today so just decided on a short trip back to the nearby village of Hadlow.
It definitely felt much more Spring like today and you could feel the warmth in the air. When we arrived in Hadlow we sought out The Rose Revived pub on the outskirts and had just settled ourselves at an outside table hoping to sup our pints whilst lapping up some rays when a tree surgeon across the round started to rev up his very loud chainsaw to commence pruning back a tree. Aargh!! So peace shattered we had to head back inside to get away from the noise but we still managed to find a lovely sunlit spot in the dining area so not all was lost. Of course just as we were leaving the tumult abated and we heard the chainsaw wielder confirm he'd just completed his arboreal activities.
After that rather noisy imbibement interlude we though we'd return to the nearby Broadview Gardens at Hadlow College for some tranquility and the chance to get our shots for the day. It was lovely to stroll around the gardens and, as on our last visit, we had the whole grounds completely to ourselves.
My main image was taken at the bamboo fenced entrance to the Japanese garden and I just loved the almost orange glow from the bamboo in the early afternoon light and of course the little face carving which was casting a rather wonderful visage shaped shadow - so I managed to capture two faces for the price of one!
The extra is a little scene outside the college's garden centre (which sadly had to close due to financial difficulties) that I came across just as we were leaving - I'd spotted the little dog on a previous visit but not his smiley faced companions nor the shield holding lion lurking just inside the door - so it was too good an opportunity to miss on this occasion.

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