Empty Sky Memorial
Firstly, many thanks for all of the wonderful responses to yesterday's image. The days are absolutely jam packed with activity, with very little time to even process the images to post so please excuse my lack of response.
Today we started in New Jersey, at the Empty Sky Memorial to 9/11. An incredibly cold morning, with a wind chill from the fierce wind, freezing all those there to the bone, It was a very thought provoking memorial and the main shot is from within the two walls that memorialise the twin towers, where the names of people who died are written who either lived or had ties to New Jersey.
Back to the hotel then on to the Public Library and Grand Central Station.
We actually had a few minutes to ourselves after lunch and I 'needed' to go to B&H Photo, only to find that not on do they close on Saturdays, but also from 1 pm on Fridays!
Our final destination was to the Top of the Rock at the Rockefeller centre. There we watched the sun set and city light up as darkness fell. Again a bitterly cold location, though many people stayed til it was properly dark. No tripods were allowed so I used a small stabiliser on the parapets, once people started to thin out.
Finally back for a later dinner and straight to bed. The extras are of the memorial, skyline from New Jersey, a staircase at the Public library and the grand hall at the railway station and then views from the Top of the Rock.
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