
By Munroist4113

International Women’s Day

It’s been another busy day. We drove to Gosforth and then got the metro to town. We went to hear #2 daughter singing in the Laing. She’s in a choir called (There are no) Innocent Bystanders. They sing political, feminist and protest songs so it was appropriate for International Women’s Day. They were really good. Daughter is second from the right in the front row.

Then we went to meet #3 daughter for lunch at Long Friday. It was such a lovely day we decided to walk which was a couple of miles. The lunch was delicious - we shared small plates of tasty things and had a glass of wine. It was lovely to catch up with them.

Then Mr C and I went on a hunt for bathroom wall and floor tiles. The floor will be a problem as everything is either beige, grey or black or variations of those. By the time we had got to our second shop I started getting an ocular migraine so we left it. Anyway it was time to head off back to Gosforth to mind Nathaniel - Ella was having a sleepover at a friend’s and #3 daughter was meeting work friends. Luke was in bed as his shift starts at 3am. It’ll be 11 before we get home.

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