The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Good Lad, Get up There

Out on the work party chopping a dozen links off several of our mooring chains. Now I think about it, I’ve no idea why - if it was because the sinkers had sunk further into the mud, you’d want to add chain length to increase the scope. I was just doing what I was told.
Then an enjoyable cup of tea and blether in the Bell Block and one of the crew members, young Robin, offered to nip up my mast to pop one of lazy jack lines through the bullseye. His job is nipping up wind turbines so I guess vertigo isn’t a problem for him. 
Back to get those astragals onto the lookout as the SK was off to Glasgow so couldn't stop me working, ha. Some film about Martin Parr. Then off to meet MrFT for a beer or two before the cup quarter final game vs Dundee, in a very packed Diggers. AJ showed up too so it was three rather than two. Pints that is. A bit of a struggle of a game, especially after they equalised but our new Norwegian lad, Sander Kartum scored twice. I’m sure there’s a WW2 limerick about Khartoum, but that’s the place, not the fellah. And yes, it rhymes with room. Back to the Diggers for more jaw jaw.

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