
By TMac

Day 8

Day 8 of my Gratitude/Walk/Photo Challenge. 

Today, my gratitude is for the delicious wee Portuguese sweet treat, the Pastel de Nata.
I had never tasted one until last summer. 
One day, I took a neighbour for a hospital appointment. On the way back, she asked if we could pop into a supermarket. I left her trundling round Tesco and waited to take her home. When we got back to her house, she presented me with two bottles of wine and a Pastel de Nata, both being treats she particularly enjoys. 
It was the start of a slippery slope, especially once I arrived in Portugal in September. 
It started a wee habit; whenever I visit my neighbour, whether she's at home or, sadly as has been more common, in hospital, I bring one of these delicious wee treats for her.
I visited the hospital today but she was asleep. She'll know who's been when she wakes up!
Here's to the Pastel de Nata!

Walk: Parked a bit away from the hospital to get a bit of a walk. The map is NOT accurate! However, after foodbank deliveries in the morning, think the total distance is more or less correct.

Photo: A photo of the yumminess that I was very tempted to eat but didn't. 

Anyone got any contributions today?
I doubt very much there will be a walk tomorrow. 
Don't be a silly bugger. If you're in the Red Zone, stay home. And stay safe. X

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