Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Write, right!

A light frost this morning, which was a surprise! I'd taken my pygmy date palm out of the garage, where I was overwintering it, to take advantage of the good weather and hey! we have a frost. I hope it's not damaged.

Meeting of the u3a Creative Writing Group today, so a fellow member picked me up at lunchtime and we drove down to another member's house. Only three of us again - such a pity, but three members are unwell. Never mind - we had a good time and they seemed to like my spooky story!

She has the most amazing view from her house, over the island of Kerrera and down the Sound of Mull, so that's my Blip again today.  The Lismore lighthouse was lit up in the sun.

We had three hours of chat, reading our creations, and writing about the Mystery Object, but by the time we were finished it was raining! Surprise, surprise! And now, at 5pm, the sun is out in a blue sky and there's going to be another wonderful sunset!

Quote of the Day: 'Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.' - Louis L'Amour.

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