
By Pinkhairedlady

Family time

Woke feeling rather refreshed after a whopping 11 hours of sleep and really enjoyed my early morning trot round the stream with Phin. Mr PHL took Phin for a puppichino whilst I cleaned the kitchen and prepped beef goulash in the slow cooker.

The eat if the morning disappeared in tidying the house and finishing off the spare bedroom in readiness for our son and his wife arriving in the afternoon.

We had enough time to take a walk round Newbattle Abbey before settling down to watch the Scotland Wales game. Highs and lows in the 80 plus minutes but the final result was in Scotland’s favour.

The goulash went down nicely with a rice pilaf with chickpeas and onions as did the sticky toffee pudding and custard we enjoyed fur pudding.

A lovely evening catching up on their news and another EB of some of Phin’s favourite toys.

Backblipped Wednesday 12th

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