Measuring Vegetables

I slept a lot better last night, and I woke up this morning with no backache! Whoop! It's been hurting/niggling so long I'd even stopped complaining about it.

I've been off sugar for a few days now and weighed myself this morning to find I'd lost 4lbs in a week. Cripes. With virtually no exercise and normal-sized meals too.

I squeaked through some yoga stretches for the first time in a while, and noticed I didn't get the irritable over-heated feeling I've been having for a while. I suspect cutting back a bit on the caffeine and drinking more Three Ginger Tea (made with turmeric) is helping.

After taking the dog for a walk, making lunch, and taking and putting away a Sainsbury's delivery, one of my favourite friends turned up unannounced with her little ones.

So we spent the rest of afternoon outside drinking tea, having a catch-up and herding small children and a child-hating cat and a jealous dog. Dylan the dog was so incredibly jealous of me giving my attention to a young baby I ended up having to shut him inside for a while.
It's the first time I've just crashed on the grass and done bugger all for a while. I usually feel like I need to justify my existence somehow.

Nice sunnied arms now. And much less itching - hooray for beta carotene.

After Richard came home from work and our friends had gone Tess helped me measure the late summer vegetables. The sweetcorn is now chest-high to an 8-year-old.
That's an official measurement.

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