Flower biscuits.

Looks like lavender, smells like lavender...

Tastes just lovely. Mary Berry should always be trusted!

Full day off work today. Pottered about the flat for a little while then made my way into town for a long overdue catch-up with Rachel. Having realised that The Elephant House had been well and truly populated by tourists we ended up in Peter's Yard. I say "in" Peter's Yard, however the sun had come out to say hello so we were sitting outside instead. Really lovely chat :)

Then on into town in search of dried lavender, a harder task than I had anticipated but I managed to find some in the end. Home for lunch, an afternoon walk in the Meadows and then finally back to the flat for dinner and a quiet evening in with Mary Berry.

Although slightly sceptical I had been wanting to make these lavender biscuits for a while. The strong scent of lavender when I opened the packet and then, later, the oven door did nothing to convince me! However, taste test done and I am happily surprised. Just as well because I have a lot of lavender...

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