Today was a busy day with lots of proof reading and also a u3a committee meeting in the afternoon. As I am out tomorrow, I finished the u3a proofreading and the minutes during the evening.
Today’s picture is of the rubbish which I put out this morning. They did not collect my green recycling two weeks ago. When I telephone two weeks ago they said it was contaminated with polystyrene; it was not. There was a massive flood outside in the lane and the dustcart did not stop, but drove straight past to my neighbour.
I rang the council when they did not collect the rubbish today, but they did not know why. They said the rest of “my area” had been collected and gave me the third degree. Were my bins out early enough? Where they contaminated? They could not come out for one bin but would collect the rubbish in two weeks time. I contacted my neighbour, his had not been emptied either. It was too late for him to ring so he said he would ring in the morning.
Temperature today. Seven degrees Celsius.
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