The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Booked Up For The Big Smoke

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

Mary Doll and I are going to London for a couple of nights. In May.

Mary Doll is very excited as she’s never been to London before. I had just finished booking everything when she started talking about what she’ll be wearing on our trip. In May.

I told her I’d pretty much be wearing jeans and t-shirts and this was met with abject horror. As if I’d suggested walking around London in a bin bag.

“JEANS? What about when we’re out in the evening? I certainly won’t be wearing JEANS.”

“I’ll need to check if my ball gown will fit into my rucksack!”

Which was met with a noise not unlike the one Miss Piggy makes when she’s annoyed with Kermit!

After 8 weeks of this, I’ll be so beaten that I’ll probably go in a clown outfit if I’m told to!


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