
By Munroist4113

Castle Howard

We had a good sleep in the van and woke to the yapping dogs in the next 2 vans.

We left the site early and got up to Castle Howard for opening. Well partial opening - the house was closed as was the walled garden and the Atlas statue had no water round it, only very unphotogenic mud. However we got 2 for 1 from the camp site so only £11 to pay. It’s at least £25 for the house - no discount on that. I’d like to see it though.

We wandered about the grounds. The wind was cold but in sheltered spots the sun warmed us. I noticed their lion logo had a straight tail like the Alnwick ones. It was all very picturesque with statues, bridges, muddy paths, temples and a distant Mausoleum. Mr Dancy did not appear from any of the lakes.

We made a sandwich for lunch back at the van then hit the road. Mr C shopped in Sainsbury at Team Valley but I stayed in the van for the triage call from the JMAP people. As expected I got the same questions I’d already answered on their emailed form. Hopefully this is one of the savings the government will make when it cuts a layer of NHS England and takes back control. Apparently the reason I can’t do high steps is because I have let my muscles go and it is not due to arthritis. I also found out it is not up to my GP to refer me further. Only a physio can do that. I have an appointment in over 2 weeks by which time the physio should have the Xray results. So I’ll carry on with the exercises in the meantime but she thinks I won’t need an op as I can walk with only moderate pain. I wish we had a swimming pool but the nearest is 30 miles round trip.

It was really nice to get away in the van again. It might be the answer when the bathroom is gutted.

I finished Mrs Orwell. I see on-line a there’s a lot of controversy about the writer’s take on Orwell’s behaviour. I also see Eileen is buried in a cemetery in Jesmond quite near a metro station so I’ll pay her a visit sometime. She certainly had a hard life

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