Capital adventures

By marchmont

Castle View

Slept well (says my Garmin), scraped the car and had my 45 minute swim.  Less of a struggle today!

Then off to town, in the sun, to draw up an interview list for our new CEO.  It all went well.  Quick coffee for K and then off to the Traverse for Eilidh, Eilidh, Eildih - it was very good and thanks to Laura Muir for the 'heads up'.

A quick trip to what is my nearest bank branch now and then west for the assignation with Le Coiffeur.  That went well but I decided to cancel the evening event.  Now home, watching live tv for the first time for over 3 months and having a proper meal for the first time since I got home.

The curtains are drawn, the heating is on and I'm in 'relax mode'.

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