
By Lizimagiz

This Morning’s Dawn Sky….

Today is the day of the Equinox. Equal day and equal night. And it is sooo dark in the morning as I prepare to go out for my early walk. A torch is required. Most dogs are wearing illuminated collars. And it was chilly this morning. The man on the track is riding an electric scooter and is heading to work in town.
A busy day at home. My friend Lynette came and we did some gardening and ate lunch under the wisteria in the shade. Feijoas are dropping off one of my two trees. The individual fruits are small but tasty. Ideal for using them to make yummy chutneys. I can hardly believe we are back in the chutney and jam making season. I still have a few jars of last season’s chutneys and jams. Time flies!

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