Visiting Shieldbug
First of all thank you very much for all the stars and hearts for yesterday's ladybird, as always much appreciated.
This morning JJ and I went to a garden centre and then dropped into our local plant nursery. Topsoil, grass seed, new loppers and a clematis purchased.
We had a late coffee (tea for me) sitting out in the sunshine and after lunch I've pottered and JJ has filled in all the gashes in the lawn caused by last week's falling branches.
There are plenty of ladybirds about, a cute jumping spider, bumblebees and my first shieldbug, which had found its way indoors and is a close-up for today's blip. This is probably about as close as anyone wants and is good practice for my 90mm macro.
Yesterday a big German wasp made a nuisance of itself indoors, but was quickly evicted. Those I can do without.
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