Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Tricolore Salad and Garlic Prawns

I had my private class with M this morning. Always interesting conversations with him. I think perhaps what he’ll remember language-wise from today’s lesson will be the meaning of ‘slog’ and the pronunciation of ‘amateur’.

On the way back home, I decided to have a look in the Mercadona supermarket once again. It’s just along from our much-loved and much-missed Carrefour, but we’ve never taken to it, for some reason. Anyway, I popped in this morning and bought a few things, including a dozen large prawns for the price of 3.97 euros, which I thought was a bargain! So, tonight’s dinner was tricolore salad (avocados are good at the moment), followed by grilled garlicky-lemony prawns (see extra) with crusty bread. All delicious! The recipe is a much used and couldn’t-be-easier one from the Delia Smith’s Food Aid Cookery Book, first published in 1986, and this was Charles Dance’s recipe contribution. The book was given to us by our dear friend Liz-Anne, no longer with us, and still has her hand-written post-it notes stuck onto several recipes. I enjoyed reading them again and it’s made me want to try them!

In the afternoon, I had a work catch up call with my friend Claire, sent some emails and drafted a tricksy one, which I’ll sleep on. One received email caused me some angst and will mean making a decision in the next few weeks.

Watched Dragons’ Den after dinner.

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