While on my runs

By waipushrink


At the time this photo was taken we had talked and eaten and talked more. Mr H is our oldest grandson. Everyone thinks that the 21 years have gone very quickly.

S and I had put up some party decorations in front of the northwest facing window in the main room of our house. This was the photography spot (and well used it was). Daughter C brought along a Polaroid camera, and attendees/partygoers were asked to have a photo taken with Harry, and then write in his 21st Book. The idea is that the photo is mounted on the facing page. 

The blip is of Mr H with S and me taken with my camera by Young L . My extra is a photo of Mr H; By his own choice, he sat on a chair facing the steps up to the 'outside room', where most of those of us who spoke to him stood to speak. His mother, father and stepfather spoke first followed by the grandparents. There was much reminiscing, some of it funny and much of it about his wonderful nature, and courage in the face of adversities. 

A very happy occasion.

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