Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Last night I made a healthy granola, using a recipe from Anna, which was enjoyed at breakfast this morning, So much better than the store bought stuff.

Luke and Meriel got to Langkawi in Malaysia after a 25 hour journey - their flights were delayed at every stage but the last flight from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi was missed due to the delay, so Luke bought new tickets because at that stage they just wanted to get there and were too tired to hassle with missed flights. They are now safely ensconced in their very luxurious hotel having a lovely holiday.

This morning we met up with friends for a walk around Richmond Park, their GSP (German Short Haired Pointer) dog and Xena have known each other since they were both puppies so they get on well. We did a long walk at a fast pace, about 11,000 steps and as we were chatting while walking I did not have time to stop and get my camera out for any photos. We enjoyed enjoyed coffees and had a good catch up.

Gavin has spent the weekend clearing out our shed, it has become a bit of a dumping ground of all sorts of things that we no longer use - much of it belonging to the boys, like old tennis and squash rackets, hockey sticks, old rugby and hockey boots. We both don't like hoarding things so after three trips to the recycling centre it is now much clearer.

While Gavin was doing that I continued editing my photos from my Dorset trip. I never had time for photos today so this is one of the beautiful daffodils that have come up in our garden - we planted hundreds of bulbs this year so we currently have a lovely display of daffodils, soon to be joined by tulips.

We caught up with a phone call to Tommy and a facetime call to Adam. Adam enjoyed his day with his cousin and cousin's partner yesterday, they ran part of the Torrey Pines trail yesterday as all of them are runners.

And just like that another weekend is over.

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