I read yesterday that Blipper walkingMarj is planning to lead a session on flower photography using a phone so I thought I'd try it myself today. The blackthorn is glorious just now. It always reminds me of Milton Keynes where I used to go regularly for work. The blossom along the redways there was plentiful. But as I can see blackthorn blossom here I'm content not to travel to MK to enjoy it.
We were walking along the river path on our way for a sandwich at a wee local place which we've enjoyed for years. We had to sit outside (Flora) but that was no hardship on such a lovely day. I had a substantial veggie sandwich which is handy as I won't have time or inclination to eat much later. I have a trustee meeting to attend. A full agenda is on the cards.
Earlier I'd had two zoom chats - firstly with my regular Tuesday pals catching up on the news and then with my niece in Maastricht.
I have papers to re-read for tonight but I'm being lured outside by the warm weather. A tough choice!
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