
By LadyFindhorn


4:00pm and nothing in the can for a blip- not a sausage as they say. I had opportunities a-plenty but plain forgot. That’s what happens when your best buddy from schooldays comes up from London for a visit and you go out together for brunch. You chatter and eat- halloumi salad for her and Swedish meatballs for me and you bring her back to the house for coffee,  tart and ice cream before she disappears off to visit another school buddy without as much as a selfie to mark the visit.

The sun is out, the patio door is open and there are people sprawled on the grass on the Meadows while I try and scrub builders’ dust off the cover which protected the garden chairs that were out on the patio all winter under the scaffolding.

I managed to find these jolly looking narcissi amongst a host of golden daffodils in M&S and decided their presence in the blip limelight would be a thank you to them for saving my day.

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