It’s heartening when the weather forecasters get it wrong as they did this morning. I was prepared in the likely event of rain to cancel my beach presence but in the end there was no rain although the sky looked very dark to the north over Fife. It felt mild as we disrobed which is always good news. We followed into the water as these blip ladies were emerging. There are so many ladies feeling the benefit of cold water swimming that one is rarely alone in the sea these mornings.
Lately the sand at Porty has been sullied with so much cold dust and blackened seaweed at the high tide level that it’s become quite unsightly. It would be good if the tractor that operates to level the sand during the summer months could scoop up the flotsam and restore the beach to a cleaner version of itself. The sea however was calm and clear today which it often isn’t when the waves stir up the sand on the sea floor. We were in the water for 10minutes with 2 handstands completed and no ice cream head.
With that #26 bus to catch there was no hanging around afterwards and surprisingly no wait for the bus either- home by 9:30.
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