
By SparseRunner


This morning I went into work for the lab session of my course. The students were working on the case study set by a colleague, and in trying to understand their confusion, I was unearthed an error in the data file and a feature that my colleague hadn't modelled correctly. I worked out how to model it, but I can't see the students doing so. 

Afterwards, I had a pleasant lunch with my PhD students, and our developer. In the afternoon, I investigated the case study issues further, and emailed my colleague. 

I left work early to meet A nearby, and drove her to the Royal Infirmary, where she'll have tests tomorrow. It was rush hour, so I parked the car and went for a 45 minute walk in the area. This took me up to Craigmillar Castle, which was lit by a weak sun. I despite waiting, it was still a slow drive home: I'm thankful that I don't commute by car.

At home I cooked a risotto with smoked pancetta, dried wild mushrooms, fresh mushrooms and peas. It was very tasty, and I've got two servings left for tomorrow. 

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