
By Croft16


..A pile of rock.

Kids don't do sandcastles these days, they go for a bigger engineering project instead. The beach at Ardmair has nice flat pebbles, and heights approaching 6 feet can be reached. Here, at Clactoll, the pebbles are more rounded, only allowing 2 or 3 feet. Impressive nonetheless..

Assynt games today, and it was a bit of a washout. Steady rain throughout the morning made the games field into a bit of a paddy field, the dancing and piping were transferred to the drier locations of the Hotel and Fish loading bay by the harbour. The field event carried on, but when the rain eventually stopped, the midges came out in force. Having judged the veg and flower entries, I went over and helped G and Croftcrafts with the baking, well, had to try some of the cakes didn't I?..

Left the games after lunch at two, and went for a stroll on Clactoll beach, N end. Discovered a ruin of a broch (pronounced Brock), a fortified round tower house from around 4-800 ad. There are many of these dotted around the Scottish coast, with the best preserved one at mousa on shetland. This one was quite impressive with clearly defined inner and outer walls..

music - a pile of rock!!..

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