
..moon. Apparently tonight (or the early hours), the moon is at perigee. OK, I don't know what this means, but I'm sure I know a man who can explain it!!

There was a memorial football match in the village today. Bar and BBQ, and football, in memory of a young lad from KLB. The event was well attended (but I was otherwise engaged), and everyone had a good time..

Because we were at the Assynt Games yesterday, we had to do the harvest for the hotel today. And it was a big one. Only just managed to get it in the car.

Chilling out now, and thought I'd put the camera on the tripod, with cable release, a see if I could get a decent picture of the moon. It was still light, and I've done a bit of fiddling in photoshop, but quite pleased with the result. Did have to crop it down a bit though..

Music, this is just amazing. Although familiar with the "Les Paul" name, I'd never heard him play..

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