
By biddy

Morning walk. 3 weeks Post Op.

(This photo was taken by Stephen as a record of my progress so far.)
Photo taken beside the Mitchell’s Farmhouse Bistro.
The longest walk I’ve made so far.
We parked the car about halfway round our usual circuit, and then walked up to the Bistro for a coffee.
A lovely sunny morning with clouds scudding across the sky in a stiff cold gusty breeze.
There had been a couple of showers earlier, but since then it has remained dry.
The trees are now really beginning to wear their beautiful new fresh greenery,
The oaks and sycamores, along with the silver birches take awhile longer,
Everywhere is the bright sunshine yellow of the forsythias.
I loved being out for my first longer walk, with a break halfway of course,
Just under a mile today, to and from the car.
I’m off to have my hair trimmed this afternoon.
Time to have a bit of lunch.

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