A Victorian Beauty

This house sits on the corner around the block from me. One of the reasons I love the town I live in. These old Victorian beauties are kept in great condition. Every time I drive by I think about taking a photo but usually there is a car behind me or across waiting to go thru the intersection.
Today I had gone with MOH to pick out a new pair of eyeglasses. I wear contacts but like to give my eyes a break sometimes. Although it was overcast and rainy today, I wasn't driving for a change and if I wait for a blue sky I might never get the shot. As we passed this house my husband slowed down and I was able to take the photo.

I did pick out a great pair of glasses which will be ready next week. The woman at the eyeglass shop must have pulled out 40 different pairs for me to try on. It was great fun trying on all the different styles. One was more funky than the next. I was thinking what a great accessory they could be if only I could buy a dozen or so. Ah well, I settled on the one pair and I do like them very much.

(For Roz,
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. - e.e. Cummings)

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