
By Legacy

Two Blooms Among The Flowers

That's Margie on the right and me on the left and is there a more fun place to be than the flower market at Pike's Place Market? If there is, it's going to be hard to find. This is one of the best things in Seattle. It's crowded, and busy and there's something going on everywhere you look. The flowers are gorgeous and fresh and wonderful, and there were so many different kinds.

Speaking of variety, the foods available are amazing. The fresh vegetable stalls are so colorful and the seafood -- wow!

One of the most fun things to see is the fish mongers when they throw fish. These guys are world famous and people love the show they put on. The crowd waits with anticipation and suddenly one of the guys shouts out and another shouts back and before you can focus the camera there's about 5 pounds of fish flying through the air. If you're standing behing the "thrower" you get to cheer as he lets fly with the fish. If you're standing behind the "catcher" -- watch out. I did manage to get some pictures, but there's so much color and stuff in the picture that it's difficult the see the fish in mid air. I was standing right next to the catcher and got one picture of a fish coming at me with startling speed. As I ducked, I snapped the shutter and got the tail end of the fish just as the catcher made his amazing catch. If he hadn't succeeded I would have been wearing one very large, slimy fish.

We ate at the Dahlia Bakery because I was determined to have a piece of their world famous triple coconut pie but I have to say I was a bit disappointed. in it. We also had nachos and drinks at a Bolivian restaurant overlooking the market and spent some time in some of the shops.

It was a beautiful day too, just perfect actually. Couldn't have asked for better weather.

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