Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Yesterday's Leftovers

We brought this little boutonniere home with us last night after the wedding in the Newport Harbor. It was much lovlier then. It's been in our refrigerator all day. I love white flowers. If I thought the bride wouldn't have noticed, I would have walked off with her bouquet . . . beautiful white roses with one calla lily accented with a light touch of deep green lacy fern. I love weddings.

True confession -- I stayed in my jammies till 3:00 this afternoon. I've accomplished zero, zip, nothing today. Oh, I sorted several days of mail and shredded the junk. Made a new playlist on the iPod. Had a long phone conversation with girlfriend, Peg (see her on my "about" page). Her family leaves for family camp tomorrow (see camp photos June 21-27 for a lookey). They haven't been for several years so I gave her suggestions for how to pack. Then I had a long conversation with our daughter, Dede.

She and her hubby went to their first ever horse races yesterday at Del Mar. She was enthralled with the whole experience. "Mom, it's a place to go dressed-up and wear a hat!" I told her that Grammie Teele had introduced me to horse racing years ago and that I too loved it! We may do a mom/daughter day at the races later in the season. Tomorrow afternoon Dede and I are going to the Sawdust Art Festival in Laguna Beach, mostly because there is a music group, "The Girls," playing there in the evening that I want to hear. We might talk Dede's hubby, John, into going with us.

Thanks for your comments, but even more so, thanks for your blips that I so enjoy seeing. Well, after a "do-nothing" day in Southern California that felt wonderfully fulfilling, I'll sign-off by wishing you a lovely tomorrow.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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