West Coaster

By WestCoaster

We are not in Kansas Any More!

I didnt want to Blip today...

Mimi was at the consultant today and sadly its been confirmed that her hearing loss is significant and permanent, fortunately she is only affected in one ear and seems to have developed coping strategies to help get around this issue. MRI to follow which she seems excited about, that's my girl!!

As if this was not bad enough for one day, I had arranged to go and see one of my friends, Kevin, we have been friends since pre-school. We shared a love of music, much of my musical taste shaped by his older brother and his friends as we would raid their record collections as they rehearsed for the bands they played in, some of them I later played with too. Kevin has not enjoyed good health in recent years but nothing prepared me for the bombshell he was to drop tonight. in a stoic, unwaivering voice he told me he has cancer, it has spread, is advanced, his consultant described the spread as akin to sticking a cancer banger where the sun dont shine and lighting the blue touch paper I am very sad tonight, we talked for a couple of hours about people, places, music, gigs and our antics as children and teens.

He was very tired and I took my leave, I need to be alone, I went and parked by the river and just walked; my thoughts stormy like the sky in tonight's entry, why my friend, the injustice of it, I cried as I walked, selfish sad for myself... as I walked I got a message from his brother to thank me for going to see him and how much he had enjoyed whiling away some time with me, time that is now so precious to him.... This piece of verse seemed apt today and I hope you forgive my indulgence, worrying about an entry seemed trivial tonight but nonetheless the solace of the river calmed me, I hope you enjoy the shot it was the best I could do today

Family isnt always blood
Its the people in your life who want you in theirs;
The ones who accept you for who you are,
The ones who would do anything to see you smile,
and who love you no matter what...

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