West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Princes Peacock Perch

It was the morning after the night before and I didnt want to Blip today either...

My mind has been consumed by thoughts of Kevin, I cannot begin to comprehend how he is coping with what he is going through, I am at a complete loss, my mind strays to his wife, his children, his mother and brother and how the enormity of this terrible thing must have hit them and how they are one of the hundreds of families every day who have their life turned upside down by this heinous disease.

I wandered at lunchtime, aimless, brushing along with the rest of the workers, travellers and tourists thronging the city on this bright day. The noise of the city drowned out by my ipod, I was listening to Rush, a Canadian rock band who Kevin and I have followed our whole lives, having listened to their albums in our younger days in our respective bedrooms,sung along at the top of our lungs and seen live many many times, as recently as May this year although not together this time, well only in spirit. Their music blasted in my ears today, older albums from our younger years and the memories of bygone days danced through my mind's eye.

I shot one frame today and here it is, its the sculpture atop one of the arcades in Glasgow's Buchanan Street, the street with the tag line, The Style Mile it is imposing and a popular shot with tourists. I am sorry it is not more exciting, no words of wisdom, no lyrics or rhetoric but I do hope you enjoy the shot

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