A Really Wild Day!

So, following reports from a contact, we selected a local walk in the hopes of seeing some recently arrived celebrities: two-barred crossbills. As it was under 5 miles from our house, it doesn't count as twitching ;-).
Word of the arrivals had obviously spread, and what is normally a quiet area was full of birders keen to see them. We did see the birds in question, but I failed spectacularly to get a decent shot, so bird no. 156 will have to wait. The bog standard crossbill made it in at no 103.
Was surprised and pleased to see so many fungi - especially since I am co-leading a foray later this month and there is always the worry that there will be nothing about. Here we have Larch bolete, Scarletina bolete and the unmistakeable Stinkhorn. Also discovered that we have wax cap fungi our lawn. What a treat!

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