
By Tryfan46

Mirror image sunsets

Was casting around for today's blip and was rewarded with a very interesting sunset. After a mainly cloudy day the sky cleared just as the sun was dipping below the horizon. This shot is another in the reflections series. See below for others. The shot shows the real sunset on the left reflected in the glass of the bedroom window. Neat eh? Even had a late evening rainbow.

Went looking for the meteors again late in the evening. I saw two very faint trails. Tried some star photography but limited to a maximum of 6o seconds exposure. Managed to get part of the sky but also the leaves of our apple tree underlit by orange light from street lights. Not a good idea to try and learn your camera functions when you want to take a shot.

Had a pleasant morning at the pool, good swim, then a steam and a coffee. Did some replacement of tubular catches on doors and made some courgette chutney from our large supply of that vegetable. Not too sure about the resulting product as it doesn't look that appetising.

Another lovely day.

5th February 2013
22nd March 2013
2nd June 2013
12th July 2013

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