From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Stop taking the Mickey!!!

Today was one of those days when I felt like I needed to be taken away by the men in white coats and locked in a padded cell at the end of it. I'm sure most people have the occasional day when nothing goes right and everything impossible that couldn't happen does.

It wasn't without a touch of humour though. Half way through the morning I had an urgent request to set up a user with a special responsibility. I did all the various checks, seeking authorisation from system owners etc and then got back to the manager to say 'That's done now. I have added that onto Fred's existing account'

I am calling him 'Fred' to protect the innocent. Something like that anyway. Is anyone called 'Fred' these days? I had an Uncle Fred who was run over by a car once. He was a bit drunk at the time. As he'd spent years working on the London buses, you would have thought it would have been far more romantic to be run over by a bus. Anyway, he survived for a while longer and I presume the blameless driver has stopped having nightmares after all these years.

Oh dear I am digressing again! The manager told me that wasn't right as 'her' Fred was a new agency temp. She was flabbergasted when I told her that we had another Fred with exactly the same surname which sounded like a sneeze if you attempted to say it, as it used almost all the letters of the alphabet! Shocking! I had to double check dates of birth and NI numbers to prove this really was a case of two seperate people. Indeed it was!

Anyway, after a bit of jiggling, I emailed 'Fred 2' with his access details and apologised for calling him a number two as we had already had a number one and asked him if he'd like to be called anything else. Clearly he found my email hilarious and decided to ring me with suggestions for alternative user names. He was clearly taking the Mickey/pi**/pulling my leg - whatever you use for making fun of someone. After me telling him off (slightly), we decided - OK I told him - he'd be happy with 'Fred 2'.

As for me, I reckon everything that has happened to me lately has been someone up there taking the Mickey. HMMMMMMM!!! Well, that's OK. At least I know now! Onwards and upwards I go, or maybe sideways, diagonally left, slightly right than straight for a bit in my usual meandering fashion. There endeth Thursday.

Oh! I nearly forgot to tell you! My Blipfoto account will be taken over by Bony from tomorrow for a while. I have agreed with him that it can't be all pictures of him. I will be providing the pictures but he can do the write up and choose the music. His rather bawdy sense of humour and lack of decency will hopefully be tamed a little.

He wants to change the name of the journal too but I'll have to think about that. I don't really think 'Napoleon and his Bony Parts' is very appropriate.

Track? As I feel like I need to be in a padded cell, time for some classic Cream - White Room

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