From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Bus stop, wet day....

Urrrggggghhhhh! I was on the bus going home from work when I took this picture through a very steamed up window. The lady at the back was trying to shelter from the rain back from the road while waiting for her bus by Solihull Hospital and the other lady just happened to be walking by. I thought I'd catch her quickly as two umbrellas are better than one, I say!

I have two umbrellas with me! I have a big walking umbrella which is fantastic and a 'Storm' variety, never turns inside out and is the best one I have ever had. I bought it about 5 years ago from Debenhams in Stratford Upon Avon. It's very light, which is unusual and I love it. When I was in Edinburgh a couple of years ago, a huge black dog ran up to me and grabbed hold of it in the grounds of the castle. He thought I was playing with him when I tried to pull it away so I let it go. The owner soon came over the hill, a very smart gentleman in a black coat and he brought the dog over to say 'sorry' and gave me my umbrella back. It has a little hole in it from the sharp teeth I can see the daylight through!

The other brolly is in my big bag as it's only little. I bought it from Sainsbury's this very Wednesday as I left the office without my umbrella when I popped out for emergency biscuits and it started raining in the middle of Mell Square. Horror!

I have always loved this track even though it was released about 4 years before I was born. It combines things I like - bus stops and umbrellas!

Bus Stop - The Hollies

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