Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The artist

This Tuesday was the last of the excursions done with the Red Cross, during the summer. I must say that I'm a bit relieved, but I've had so much fun!
This time we went to Sigtuna, a small town not very far from Uppsala. Sigtuna was built during 980 and is said to be Sweden's 'first town'. This is also were Swedish coins first were made and Sigtuna was a flourishing commerce center until the end of the 13'th century.
Sigtunas main church is built with bricks and Sweden's oldest church of that kind. It's a beautiful red church with old grave tombs, painted coat of arms, saints and other decorations and was built during 1230 and finished around 1247-1248. I had a photo from inside, but I thought this photo more fun to show.
After we walked along the main street of this charming town, with tree houses in different colours, we ended up at a handicraft shop/ gallery. Outside this woman painted and her family (I guess) was with her. Several of us took her photo and she didn't seem to mind at all. After that we wandered around in different groups and regrouped down by the water to have lunch and coffee. Sun was shining and a breeze were cooling the sun, a great day! I had many interesting conversations with a new acquaintance of mine. It was a great day to end all excursions! :)

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