Startled Cormorant

Well we had a laugh today, we went to a little village called Latheronwheel on the north east coast of Caithness. I had never been down to the little harbour, so we went. We parked the car and were walking along the little jetty and about eight feet from us standing on a stone was this young Cormorant, asleep with its head tucked under its wing. We watched until a good sized wave came in and covered his enormous feet. His head appeared out from under his wing and he looked up at both of us. I thought he would imediately fly away, but no he looked at us then looked right ,out to sea, then left, to the beach, then back to us.It was a look that said So what, I was here first! We watched and took photos for a few minutes and decided to leave. as we left he was still standing there. He obviously thought he had won the territory.He watched us get in the car and leave. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't go back to sleep!

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