
The usually 'so-laid-back-he-might-fall-over' Mr A recently issued me with an ultimatum....'it's me or your mattress!'
Not helped by all his recent travels, I think he's seeking solace, comfort and a good nights sleep, which is something he says he doesn't get because of 'that damned mattress'. Hasn't stopped him staying at mine though !!!
His mattress is a memory foam one, and he describes laying down on it 'like being caressed by a thousand sleep fairies'.
Earlier this week, he visited our local bed centre to try out mattresses; my challenge for today was to go to the same shop, test a few different mattresses and see if we end up with the same conclusion.
The assistant was very helpful, showing me round the various types and explaining pros and cons.
Memory foam sadly is going to be a no no for me as he said it uses body heat to mould to your shape and also absorbs the heat through the mattress like a storage heater. He said it would be unsuitable for me as and I don't mean to brag I am incredibly hot in bed! I don't know why that is as in normal daily life I'm always cold, but 5 minutes under the duvet and the heat just radiates off me!!!
The next choice was a latex foam mattress, but that was way to squishy for me and also ridiculously expensive, 'because of all the organic materials used to make it Madam'.
This one was my choice; a posturepaedic, pocket sprung with a memory foam topper. Not too hard, not too soft....perfect!

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