Growing old disgracefully



Quite surprised how well the day worked out. I made some courgette and cheese muffins for morning coffee visitors who were on their way to the airport. They must have been good muffins, cos not a crumb was left by lunchtime. Surprise lunch time guests enjoyed courgette soup (note to the gardener, plant less courgettes next year) and banana bread (note to the shopper, don't buy bananas while we are working our way thro a glut of rasps and cherry toms). Tiny cousin longed for great big teenage cousin to play with him and eventually got him involved in a game of pirates (note to weatherman, a little less raining on our pirate games, please). I made bubble and squeak with half of the monstrous cabbage and jolly nice it was too.

Favourite Canadian grandson and I have hatched a few cunning plans for the week ahead.

The low point of the day was when I took £50 out of a cash machine and then forgot to put it in my purse. To the rotter who found it and didn't hand it in, enjoy it, I don't care, my treasure is made of different stuff.

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