Woody goes to jail

3years 301days
Katie had a happy day at nursery. There weren't very many of them in today so they went on a trip to the park. All the children proudly showed me their photos of the trip afterwards. They had their snack there too.

She had her first swim lesson of the new block today. Her last time teacher has between this and last week informed work that she is pregnant so she's now not allowed to teach preschool classes. So it meant a substitute this week who was garbage. Despite her teacher telling him to teach Katie at grade 2, he totally didnt. Hopefully by next week the new permanent teacher will be sorted. But still yey for the new baby- the teacher is one of Katie's friends mums!

Katie's 3 things
We went to the park (the whole room told me
Ella and I are friends cos we play together
No one gave me my sticker

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