A few of my favourite things...

...olives, tomatoes, spinach and gherkins. I took this before some more of my favourite things were added to the plate – sweet potato and cottage cheese. Didn’t want to take a picture at that point, just wanted to enjoy my dinner! So tasty

WOD 19/08/2013
5 RDS for time (same as 2 weeks ago but 5 rounds instead of 3!)
10 wall balls - David 7kg, Jen 5kg
10 kettlebell swings -David 10kg, Jen 8kg
10 box jumps - Jen box steps to protect her knee

Final times – David 10.13 , Jen 8.59
So in the space of 2 weeks we were able to do 2 more rounds for me it took just 1 min 36secs more and Jen did the extra in only 1 min more than before. Progress! And, no wallballs to the face this time, whoo!

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