Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

The view from my favourite chair

Where I sit and catch up on blip and read my book first thing each morning whilst on holiday

Even though I'm on holiday I am still up at 7 each morning. If I was at home I would typically be constructing an image in Photoshop for today's post but here I don't have that opportunity so I rely on a quick phone camera pic and get on with reading my book. Its rather nice really. My reading has taken second place to photography of late.

We managed to find the cycle hire place yesterday so cycled to Trier and back as planned. A round trip of about 28 miles. We stopped for lunch at a bar/cafe just beyond Konz and had our first proper sized beer in a big weighty glass like you used to get in the UK once upon a time. I taught Mick how to ask for another beer and we couldn't leave without letting him practice what he had just learned, so we were a bit later than planned leaving and about 1 litre of beer more hydrated than when we arrived.

We only had half hour in Trier which was a real shame as it looked a really beautiful city. We must go back and explore further later in the week.

The average German must be much taller than the average Brit because the smallest bike in the hire shop was just right for me at 5' 10" but the ladies could barely touch the ground on the smallest bikes with the saddles fully lowered. As a consequence, Coral fell off 4 times in total when she failed to dismount when stopping. On the final occassiin, she toppled into a bed of roses in full view of a packed restaurant of diners. Luckily she only picked up a few scratches and she laughed it off. I think bottoms will hurt more today than anything else.

Lateish dinner last night but we left the restaurant at 10 to walk into the centre of Saarburg for a coffee. Well we needn't have bothered. Everywhere was either shut up or shutting up. What a contrast to Valon Point d'Arc in France 2 weeks ago where things would only just be kicking off at this time in the evening.

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