Man up

Is what I felt I needed to do, so here you have an attempt at a gritty 'warts an all' SP.

Why do I feel the need to man up?

Because I sat watching the Great British Bake Off last night and once again thoroughly enjoyed it. A program where a group of people bake cakes. In a tent. What is wrong with me?

With Mags convalescing at home, I thought a nice gesture would be to get her something that she can do to occupy herself whilst sitting down, something she is doing a lot of these days. Jigsaw puzzles came to mind but I wanted it to be something that she could do from the comfort of her armchair, so I also brought her a 'puzzle mate' which is basically a fold away tray that keeps the puzzle in place when you are not working on it.

Great idea, but I really should have considered the measurements. Well I did in as much as I brought a puzzle that fit the puzzle mate. What I didn't buy was a puzzle mate that fit Mags. This thing is HUGE! She could shelter under it in a storm.

Oh, and have you ever tried doing a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle? I didn't think that one through either. It is going to take forever and I brought it for someone with a serious heart condition.

Oh well. As they say, it's the thought that counts.

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