Strike that. Reverse it!



Finally we are off on holiday. We are only going away for a few days this summer. We let the boys decide where they wanted to go and Legoland and Peppa Pig world was the decision. So here we are back in Aldershot for the next few days. We stayed here last time we went to leoland and peppa pig world. It worked out quite well so decided to stay here again. We do know the area very well as we did work down here and Aldershot was one of my depots when I was a map manager so although its a strange choice to some it isn't to us. Perfect base for the next few nights.

Had a good drive down. Tommy started with the "Are we there yet?" 10 miles into the journey! Which he continued until he fell asleep, thankfully.

So looking forward to the next few days. Hope you had a good Sunday xxx

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