My turn.

This afternoon we met up with a friend and her 3 adorable boys. It's nice to experience life with 3 boys after running a household of girls !

(and her eldest is No 3's 'boyfriend'!

Her husband works off shore, and for weeks at a time, she looks after her boys on her own - and runs her house with military precision ! She was looking forward to his homecoming this week, but the company he works for has grounded all sea flights after a helicopter crash.

Her normal worries about his flight back, have been compounded as there is no sign of a date for him to come home. If he is taken by boat, it's a 24 hour boat trip to Aberdeen. And by the time he gets home, he's shore leave may be very short.

She was a bit down this afternoon, and she still hasn't told the boys that daddy won't be home this week.

No 3 was very concerned for the boys when I explained that sometimes their daddy misses special days with them, Christmas, birthdays, and first days at school.

Makes you appreciate your old man in the kitchen making Saturday night dinner.

Safe journey home C. x

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