
I swear Angus and I always have a row on a Bank Holiday, it is a tradition.

Pretty rubbish day. He ended up going into town this morning to see his friend/old boss who is up from London despite fact we have hardly seen him lately. So I had a strop.

He then had a strop because I had a strop, so I had a strop because he was went on...

When he did get back, I stropped off to read the paper (see pic) in our local cafe with a coffee and ice cream. Ice cream always fixes my bad moods :)
Angus and Audrey joined us and we had a stroppy walk together.

The atmosphere is still chilly (and stroppy) and I am now sat in the garden reading my book with a cocktail while he plays with Audrey (well there has to be some benefits!)

Hope we can reset the day before it is too late :(

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